There are three immediate things you can do to better understand the President and how his thought process works:

01 – Find a copy of “A Thirst for Power: Life and Times of Roy Cohen. Cohen, became general counsel to the late Senator Joseph McCarthy. He was also the pivotal influence on Donald Trump during his formative years. It was Cohen who taught Trump that when someone hits you you never walk away – you hit them back twice as hard.

02 – Watch Breitbart News on your computer. Trump’s current Chief Advisor was the Founder of this disruptive news network. The site was founded by Robert Mercer who was also Trump’s largest campaign contributor.

03 – Watch and listen to Infowars, the home of Alex Jones who rails against the influence of government in our daily lives. Infowars is also the source of numerous conspiracy theories some of which have been repeated by Trump or members of his team.

If you ever watch Trump and ask “Where did he get that?” there’s a good chance he got it from one of the three sources above.

For purposes of conversation, can one really discuss Trump intelligently without attempting to penetrate the sources for many of his views and those of his devoted followers?


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