Democrats and Republicans are finding it hard to talk to one another. But let’s go back to the essential differences between the parties. It all has to do with the Grey Area, all the stuff the Constitution doesn’t mention or isn’t particularly clear about. Republicans tend to want to send all of the majority of stuff in the political process, like schools, health care, crime-fighting, back to the States, The States, they reason, have their finger on the local pulse. Americans, they claim want government off their backs. They want decisions made by people at the local level instead of bureaucrats in Washington.

Democrats feel that the expertise and organization of the federal government, along with its strength, is necessary to bring about positive change in our society.  They just don’t see that the States have enough money or resources to get the job done.

But missing in the conversation is the question of where is one most likely to find major levels of corruption – at the state level, in places like Albany, Sacramento, and Springfield, or at the federal level in the halls of Congress and the offices along K Street in the nation’s capital.

Is state government or the federal government more susceptible to corruption and/or control by powerful outside forces?


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