Life Expectancy increase

Studies have shown that the average American’s life expectancy actually increases when they go to an airport and fly anywhere in the world that is not an active war zone. The life expectancy goes up the longer we Americans are away from home. (Note there a many variables involved in this postulation but it is essentially accurate) So the question is why? To look at life expectancy you have to measure what it is that is likely to kill you. The number 1 and 2 causes of death in the US are heart disease and cancer. But they are considered “travel neutral” so you have to go down the list to the # 3 and # 4 causes of death. They are automobile deaths and death by shooting. The largest demographic for causes of automobile deaths is the teenage driver – the largest demographic for murder by handgun is the American teenager. Your life expectancy increases (ever so slightly) when you travel abroad because you are away from American teenagers.

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